Our Projects

At BetterAIM, we have a value statement: “We are only as good as our last project”. With BetterAIM, we work with you with the aim of being a long-term asset management partner.
Our Projects

BetterAIM has delivered many projects across various asset management disciplines across various industries, including Water and Power Utilities, Ports, state and local governments, and private asset-intensive organisations. “Our project management framework is designed to consistently deliver the outcomes and quality our clients expect, ensuring every project aligns with their goals and meets or exceeds their expectations.

Explore our project examples to understand better how we focus on quality outcomes for our clients and strongly value a long-term collaborative relationship.

Infrastructure Asset Management

SectorsProject NameClientDescriptionOutcomes

Local Government

Organisational Review and Target Operating Model Review

August 2022 – January 2023  

BetterAIM Personnel: Craig Roberts, Alex Leyland

Mackay Regional Council (MRC)

The council had ongoing issues with the asset management function and services provided across the organisation. BetterAIM was asked to complete an asset management maturity assessment through stakeholder interviews and document review to identify the organisation’s understanding of asset management and where decision-making was occurring.

The review identified a low level of maturity and proposed five different Target Operating Models (TOMs) to improve asset management outcomes for the organisation. These varied from establishing a dedicated asset information function whilst maintaining a decentralised asset planning, project delivery and O&M approach to a full organisational restructure driven by a centralised approach and single point of accountability for the asset lifecycle. The Council implemented a major organisational realignment from the back of this work.

Ports and Maritime, Local Government

Asset Management Framework


BetterAIM Personnel: Craig Roberts, Alex Leyland, Shane Oldham

Southern Ports, Fremantle Ports, Sunshine Coast Council

Definition of Asset Management Framework Outline the scope of the asset management system, elements comprising the system, supporting processes, owners, roles, and responsibilities, current status, and improvement initiatives. From 2023, delivery of a dynamic, updatable, interactive digital version.

Frameworks are defined, implemented, and driving roles and responsibilities across organisations. Live frameworks are updated in line with maturity improvements, organisational changes, etc.

Local Government

Strategic Asset Management Plan
Nov 22 – Apr 23
BetterAIM Personnel: Craig Roberts, Simon Powell, Alex Leyland
Similar SAMPs delivered for: Southern Ports Authority, Armadale Regional Council, Fremantle Ports Authority, Aqwest

Cairns Regional Council

Definition of Asset Management Vision, Objectives and Strategy to support corporate objectives and Asset Management Policy. Measures of success defined and costed improvement program developed for implementation.

Strategy delivered, improvement initiatives and programs identified to drive organisational value.

Local Government, Ports and Maritime, Water

Asset Management Advisory Support Services

Jul 22 – May 24

BetterAIM personnel Simon Powell, Kelvin Hands

Sunshine Coast Council

Unity Water

Fremantle Ports

Provision of experienced seconded staff to support and build in house asset management capability.

Clients have delivered strategic to tactical asset management deliverables on time using seconded resources when otherwise unable to due to internal capacity shortages. BetterAIM staff have assisted in upgrading deliverables in line with industry-leading standards. In certain instances, we have automated certain processes, delivering an ongoing productivity benefit.


Strategic Asset Plan (SAP) Review and Amendment

October 2023 – January 2024 

BetterAIM Personnel: Paul Davis

Busselton Water

Completed a detailed review and analysis of Busselton Water’s SAP, which is a regulated document provided to the WA Government for approval and update each year for the long-term capital works program for Busselton Water.

Previous Busselton Water submissions had been rejected due to a lack of supporting data. BetterAIM completed a detailed analysis of Busselton Water’s asset register, asset management plans, hydrological yield analysis and groundwater saline risk intrusion study to roadmap required capital interventions and timing. This consolidated review of capital intervention based on asset mortality, regulatory requirements, customer service levels and financial efficiency resulted in a more robust long-term capital forecast supported by the government.


Digital Asset Management Plan – Electrical Assets

March 2023 – August 2023

BetterAIM Personnel: Paul Davis


Develop a full asset management plan for TasWater’s electrical assets across all facility types (Water/sewage treatment, water sewage pumping, storage). The project covered both LV and HV assets and involved cleansing and reviewing the full asset register, completing asset criticality, calibrating asset deterioration curves, and conducting asset intervention and asset risk workshops geared towards understanding how TasWater operated assets from a full asset lifecycle perspective and the triggers for maintenance and capital investment.

The project resulted in the development of both a written summary AMP suitable and a detailed PowerBI dashboard that allowed for the visualisation of asset risk exposure and investment requirements based on multiple investment scenarios, including a do-nothing scenario compared to the use of existing and enhanced renewal budget allocations.

Local Government

Property & MECC – Digital AMP

November 2023 – May 2024

BetterAIM Personnel: Paul Davis, Cameron Jessup


Development of a full asset management plan for all of the Council’s building assets and the Mackay Exhibition and Convention Centre (MECC). The project involved cleansing, population and review of the building, property and MECC asset registers, completion of asset criticality, asset intervention and asset risk workshops geared towards understanding how the Council operated the assets from a full asset lifecycle perspective and the triggers for maintenance and capital investment.

The project resulted in the development of both a written summary AMP suitable for publication on the Council’s website and a detailed PowerBI dashboard that allowed for the visualisation of asset risk exposure and investment requirements based on multiple investment scenarios, including a do nothing, use of existing LTFF allocations, matching depreciation expense, a managed risk approach (no assets in extreme or high risk).

The project also resulted in an improved understanding of asset componentisation and consistency within the asset register.

Local Government, Water

Waste Services – Digital Asset Management Plan (AMP)

March 2023 – October 2023

BetterAIM Personnel: Paul Davis


Development of a full asset management plan for all of the Council’s landfill, transfer station, green waste, and legacy landfill assets. The project involved cleansing and population of the waste services asset register, completion of asset criticality, asset intervention and asset risk workshops geared towards understanding how the Council operated waste assets from a full asset lifecycle perspective and the triggers for maintenance and capital investment.

The project resulted in the development of both a written summary AMP suitable for publication on the Council’s website and a detailed PowerBI dashboard that allowed for visualisation of asset risk exposure and investment requirements based on multiple investment scenarios, including a do-nothing approach, use of existing LTFF allocations, matching depreciation expense, and a managed risk approach (no assets in extreme or high risk).

Local Government, Water

Water & Wastewater Treatment – Digital AMP

July 2022 – April 2023

BetterAIM Personnel: Paul Davis, Simon Powell


Development of a full asset management plan for all of the Council’s major water and wastewater treatment plants. The project involved cleansing and reviewing the treatment asset register, completing asset criticality, asset intervention, and asset risk workshops geared towards understanding how Council operated treatment assets from a full asset lifecycle perspective and the triggers for maintenance and capital investment.

The project resulted in the development of both a written summary AMP suitable for publication on the Council’s website and a detailed PowerBI dashboard that allowed for visualisation of asset risk exposure and investment requirements based on multiple investment scenarios, including a do-nothing approach, use of existing LTFF allocations, matching depreciation expense, and a managed risk approach (no assets in extreme or high risk).

Local Government, Water

Water & Wastewater Networks – Digital AMP

March 2023 – October 2023

BetterAIM Personnel: Paul Davis


Develop a full asset management plan for all of the Council’s water and wastewater network assets, including pipelines, valves, service connections and meters, pump stations, reservoirs, and other ancillary network assets. The project involved cleansing and reviewing the full asset register, completing asset criticality, and conducting asset intervention and asset risk workshops geared towards understanding how the Council operated treatment assets from a full asset lifecycle perspective and the triggers for maintenance and capital investment.

Project resulted in the development of both a written summary AMP suitable for publication on Council’s website and a detailed PowerBI dashboard that allowed for visualisation of asset risk exposure and investment requirements based on multiple investment scenarios including a do nothing, use of existing LTFF allocations, matching depreciation expense, a managed risk approach (no assets in extreme or high risk).

Local Government, Water

Small Towns Water & Wastewater Treatment – Digital AMP

November 2023 – May 2024

BetterAIM Personnel: Paul Davis


Development of a full asset management plan for all of the Council’s small water and wastewater treatment plants. The project involved cleansing, population and review of the small town’s treatment asset register, completion of asset criticality, asset intervention and asset risk workshops geared towards understanding how the Council operated treatment assets from a full asset lifecycle perspective and the triggers for maintenance and capital investment.

Project resulted in the development of both a written summary AMP suitable for publication on Council’s website and a detailed PowerBI dashboard that allowed for visualisation of asset risk exposure and investment requirements based on multiple investment scenarios including a do nothing, use of existing LTFF allocations, matching depreciation expense, a managed risk approach (no assets in extreme or high risk).

Local Government, Water

Water & Wastewater – Digital AMP

August 2023 – April 2024

BetterAIM Personnel: Paul Davis, Simon Powell

Cobar Shire Council

Development of a digital AMP for all Cobar Shire Council water and wastewater assets. This included capture and condition assessment, data verification and forecasting for all network and treatment assets within water and wastewater functions.

Project resulted in the development of both a written summary AMP suitable for publication on Council’s website and a detailed PowerBI dashboard that allowed for visualisation of asset risk exposure and investment requirements based on multiple investment scenarios including a do nothing, matching of depreciation expense and a managed risk approach (no assets in extreme or high risk).

Local Government, Water

Cobar Water Board – Digital AMP

August 2023 – April 2024

BetterAIM Personnel: Paul Davis, Simon Powell

Cobar Shire Board

Field data capture is used to build an asset register and develop a digital AMP for all Cobar Water Board assets. This included capture and condition assessment, data verification, and forecasting for raw water pump stations, trunk mains, and storage.

This information was used to present to Cobar Shire Council and NSW state departments to help communicate risk and cost for regional water service provision. State regulatory agencies provided strong feedback on a simple but robust approach to understanding and communicating asset performance and risk.

Local Government

*Street Lighting Audit and Review 

April 2019 – October 2019

BetterAIM Personnel: Cameron Jessup

Mackay Regional Council (MRC)

Two-part risk assessment considering compliance with street lighting requirements per relevant Standards. Risk prioritisation and assessment considered other users, walkers, etc.

The project resulted in the development of a spatial risk heatmap. This heatmap informed a longer-term capital works program based on risk avoidance/mitigation for different investment scenarios.

Mapping layers were provided to the Council to allow for the visualisation of model results and further spatial analysis.

Ports and Maritime

*Port of Mackay – Type 1 Heavy Vehicle (Road Train) Feasibility Assessment

October 2019 – April 2020

BetterAIM Personnel: Cameron Jessup

North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP)

Completing a high-level feasibility assessment to understand the cost and implications of upgrading the ‘missing link’ of road infrastructure from Hazeldene to the Port of Mackay to be suitable for carrying Type 1 Heavy Vehicles. The assessment considered the upgrade works required on road and drainage assets and sought to monetise the cost and benefits of delivery of the project.

The completion of the project resulted in the development of a feasibility assessment report that NQBP used to engage with DTMR and other state stakeholders to discuss the potential of including this project in future infrastructure upgrades for DTMR in the Mackay and Central QLD region.

Ports and Maritime

*Port of Mackay – Infrastructure Risk Assessment

October 2019 – April 2020

BetterAIM Personnel: Cameron Jessup


A risk assessment of multiple NQBP identified high-risk infrastructure installations, which involved site investigations with NQBP staff to understand the identified risks.

Results analysed against Standards determined if installations were compliant. The As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) philosophy was applied to manage risk. The above-ground fuel pipeline led to the design of a new bollard/ guardrail system. The breakwater—improved barrier kerb design and offset to avoid frangible objects.

Ports and Maritime

*Port of Mackay – Northern Access (Gudyara Road) 

January 2019 – April 2020

BetterAIM Personnel: Cameron Jessup


Design involvement and review for the new northern access road for NQBP’s Port of Mackay site. Involvement was across water and stormwater design and review of cost estimates, bill of quantities and tender documentation.

The newly constructed Gudyara Road was opened in February 2020, and NQBP used the secondary water connection to help improve network and system resilience. Gudyara Road has also increased access to NQBP’s proposed Northern and Central Precinct areas and will support ongoing growth and development within the Port of Mackay.


Tropical Cyclone Jasper Recovery and Water Infrastructure Planning

February 2024 – Ongoing

BetterAIM Personnel: Cameron Jessup

Douglas Shire Council

We assisted Douglas Shire Council with recovery activities following Tropical Cyclone Jasper in early December. With more than three metres of rainfall within the catchment, there has been a significant change to the raw water quality, which has impacted treatment operations. This, coupled with high water usage and an aged network, has resulted in significant supply challenges.

Completed hydraulic network modelling and system analysis to understand network performance and try to reduce water loss within the system. Completed review of existing longer-term water supply strategy and capital works program to determine prudence and efficiency and whether it will achieve the outcomes that the community requires now and into the future.

These activities will support the submission of a major funding application to state and federal agencies (>$100M) to assist Douglas Shire in longer-term recovery and infrastructure resilience.


Portfolio-wide view of state of the assets to support Master Planning

April 2024 – May 2024

BetterAIM Personnel: Mark Rippon


Amalgamation of all existing Digital AMPs and assignment to a master planning region across the state. Dashboard report views are provided to show the state of the assets base in each region (health/criticality/risk) and the level of asset risk exposure in terms of current replacement cost.

The project leveraged additional value from existing information by recasting digital asset management plans by region. The lifecycle investment team are now exploring how this view supports master planning decisions for all capital (growth, compliance drivers, etc.) and helps understand and convey the prudency and efficiency of investment.

Local Government

Criticality assessment and Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

December 2023 – April 2024

BetterAIM Personnel: Mark Rippon and Paul Davis

City of Port Adelaide Enfield

As part of a wider strategic asset planning project, we conducted workshops to define criticality and assess the transport and stormwater infrastructure portfolio consistently across the council. We also conducted ” high-level ” FMEAs to understand functional failure models and maintenance actions applicable to managing risk associated with infrastructure.

The council is using the criticality assessment outcomes to engage with elected members and the wider community to raise awareness of the importance of transport and stormwater infrastructure to community outcomes. The FMEA recommendations are used to assess and ‘sense check’ the current maintenance activities on these asset classes.


Asset Class Strategies, Asset Management Plans, Maintenance plans, Asset Management Improvement Plans, Capital Investment programs

2017 – Ongoing

Performed by: Craig Roberts, Alex Leyland, Shane Oldham, Paul Davis, Mark Rippon, Simon Powell, Cameron Jessup

Water Corporation WA, Mackay Regional Council, Cobar Water, Aqwest and most of our clients

 Over fifty plans delivered across multiple organisations

Design and development of strategies and plans, including their integration into and optimization of investment decision-making. The process includes establishing a consistent approach to risk across asset classes so risk can be analysed at a portfolio level. Word plans and dynamic, digital plans are delivered. The latter can be updated regularly in line with the latest asset condition assessment program results, etc.

Clear strategies and plans in place informing and justifying direction, activities, resource assignment, investment, and improvement approach.


Asset Management Maturity Assessments

2017 – 2024

Performed by: Craig Roberts, Alex Leyland, Shane Oldham, Paul Davis, Mark Rippon, Simon Powell

City of Armadale, Department of Land, Planning and Heritage WA, Aqwest, Taswater, Fremantle Ports Authority, Southern Ports Authority, and others

Design and delivery of asset management and/or maintenance maturity health checks. Approach aligned with review objectives and based against industry leading standards such as GFMAM, AMBOK, ISO 5500X. Costed improvement initiatives and prioritised roadmaps delivered.

Periodic Asset Management Improvement Program (AMIP) progress reviews conducted.

Maturity assessments delivered raising awareness of issues/ opportunities, what good looks like in terms of industry standards and requirements, understanding of where value at stake improved.

Targeted improvement programs underway.

Ports and Maritime

Maintenance Tactics and D365 Support – Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

May 23 – June 24

BetterAIM Personnel: Shane Oldham, Mark Rippon, Jaco Brand, Simon Powell

Southern Ports Authority (SPA)

FMEA analysis and strategy development to develop maintenance tactics to facilitate the D365 implementation. Develop a data model to support data conversion to meet SPA’s specific configuration requirements.

Targeted maintenance tactics for mechanical assets. Ongoing.


Maintenance Management Framework

May 23 – Nov 23

BetterAIM Personnel Shane Oldham, Craig Roberts, Jaco Brand

MRL – Wodgina

Definition of key maintenance management processes, functions, and responsibilities to support consistency and improvement of maintenance at the Wodgina mine site.

Consistency, clarity, and governance of the maintenance processes were established, communicated, and managed by the leadership team.

Asset Data and Information Management

SectorsProject NameClientDescriptionOutcomes

Local Government

Assetic Project Rapid Health Check

Mar 24 – May 24

BetterAIM Personnel: Cameron Jessup, Alex Leyland, Craig Roberts, Mark Rippon

Bundaberg Regional Council (BRC)

We completed a rapid health check of BRC’s Assetic implementation. The health check focused on a lessons-learned review for functional areas that had migrated to Assetic, a maintenance management maturity assessment for other branch areas, and a health check of the asset register and asset data.

The review identified a series of opportunities to refine and improve future stages of the project. The maintenance review identified a strong stakeholder appetite for change and project engagement but also identified a number of factors driving an elevated project implementation risk profile. The project delivered a prioritised action list to reduce risk and realise value.


Wastewater Treatment Plant Asset Verification

Mar 24 – May 24

BetterAIM Personnel: Shane Oldham, Simon Powell, Paul Hart, Cameron Jessup

Bundaberg Regional Council (BRC)

Field validation, GPS data capture and visual condition assessment of assets at four of BRC’s wastewater treatment plants. Project also included capture of missing assets, identification of defects and risks and upload into a client dashboard where asset condition data could be visualised through PowerBI.

Site works completed at the four plants over a period of four days. Verification and validation work identified a range of asset classes that had not been previously captured or tagged and identified many asset defects for investigation and rectification.

Information will be able to be uploaded into client’s asset management system to support asset management, maintenance management and financial management activities.

Ports and Maritime

OPT Asset Verification, Condition Assessment and Data capture

Mar 23 – May 24

BetterAIM Personnel: Shane Oldham, Paul Hart

Port Authority of NSW

Asset verification, Inspection, and collection of port data – condition, asset attributes, hazards, & defects. Results were geo-coded & presented through a rapid collection solution for corporate system ingestion.

Multiple phases. Current focus delivery of Digital AMP.

Accelerated time to developing state of the assets insights, defect resolutions and asset knowledge capture.

Integration to lifecycle decision making and Digital Plan reduced time from data collection to decision making through our end-to-end solution.

Ports and Maritime, Water

Multiple Business Performance Visualisation Works

Southern Ports Authority

Fremantle Ports Authority

Tas irrigation

Multiple engagements to define user stories, develop data requirements, data models, development and testing of integrations and visualisations to support insights and business decision making.

Collaboration with internal teams to develop power BI based visualisation reports that support insights or key decision making.  Audiences can be internal or external. Reports supported on SaaS basis or handed over to internal teams to maintain in house.


Asset Information Improvement Plan

November 2022 – May 2023

BetterAIM Personnel: Paul Davis


Review and rationalisation of existing Asset Information improvement initiatives from previous strategies and audits. Stakeholder consultation to map outstanding improvement activities to prioritised needs of the asset management function. Development of project plans, budgets key risks and roadmap for top 10 improvement initiatives.

Project broke the cycle of repeated asset information strategies and audits and distilled improvement activities to a realistic, manageable set of projects, aligned to current need. Project plans developed together with risk and budgets meant activities are now underway with tangible benefits to operations, maintenance and renewals planning for water/wastewater infrastructure

Local Government

Asset Information Strategy 

Jan 22 – Sep 22

BetterAIM Personnel: Craig Roberts, Alex Leyland


Development of an asset information strategy for MRC that sought to understand the use of asset data and information within the organisation and how it was used to drive decision making. Project also identified asset information owners, process flows and areas for improvement.

AIS identified a range of key decisions that the organisation was making to inform asset and project lifecycle activities. It was found that the use of asset information and asset data was incomplete and often inaccurate.

Thirty-five recommendations and improvement activities identified, prioritised, and scoped at a high level for implementation.


Asset Information Strategy & Implementation Support

2017 – Ongoing

BetterAIM Personnel: Craig Roberts, Shane Oldham, Alex Leyland, Jaco Brand

Sunshine Coast Council, Southern Ports Authority, Fremantle Ports Authority, Melbourne Water, Transurban, Mackay Regional Council

Definition of asset information strategy highlighting high value data and capabilities for improvement. Prioritised costed improvement roadmaps delivered. Frameworks oriented to high value decisions in the organisation.

Strategies delivered (SPA in finalisation), improvement initiatives and programs funded driving value.


TasWater AMIS Implementation.

Asset Management SME. 


BetterAIM Personnel: Mark Rippon


Support as the Asset Management Subject Matter Expert to develop and implement the Maximo Solution for TasWater. This included Macro and Micro design for the application functionality, data model development and design and user training in mobility and the full application suite.

Implementation of a single, centralised computerised maintenance management system allowing consistent, clear analysis of work management, maintenance management and infrastructure performance.

How we've helped our clients

Our Projects

Southern Ports Achieves ISO 55001 Accreditation

December 11, 2024
The Challenge Southern Ports faced a significant challenge: implementing an integrated and effective Asset Management System (AMS) that adhered to...